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Dujun Cement Plant Prison in Guizhou Province Brutally Persecutes Dafa Practitioners

February 04, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Because the head of the Dujun Cement Plant Prison in Guizhou Province was Luo Gan's(1) buddy, this prison was awarded the title of "Department Model of Forced Labor." This prison is an evil place that actively participates in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The Dujun Cement Plant Prison is divided into several detention sections. The No. 4 Section was specially set up to detain practitioners that were illegally sentenced to prison. The section head is Zheng Jiaju, the deputy section head is Zhong Shan, and Wang is one of the section guards. As of July 2004, there were a total of 57 practitioners detained in this section. Over 60 prisoners were transferred from other sections to the No. 4 Section in order to constantly monitor practitioners.

Everyone is forced to wear prison clothing immediately after they enter the jail. Practitioners Tang Runchun, Liu Bo, and Zheng Gang were among those beaten by prison guards and prisoners for refusing to change into prison clothing. These prison guards and prisoners first beat the practitioners, then stripped them and put prison clothes on them. Prison guards Zhang, in his thirties, and Li, over 40, along with four prisoners, beat Liu Bo until his face was swollen. Then they pinned him to the ground, stripped of all his clothes off and dressed him in prison clothes. Other practitioners that were beaten for not changing into prison clothes included Zheng Gang, Wang Guoyu, and Tang Runchun.

One week after practitioners are detained, the prison requires everyone to write a pledge to give up practicing Falun Gong. If practitioners refuse, they are beaten and tortured using such tactics as forcing them to squat for a long time and the Death Bed The Death Bed requires handcuffing the victim's hands and feet to the four corners of a bed. The victim is unable to move or use the toilet. After being restrained this way for a long time, the person's hips become sore, the back stiffens, and the pain becomes unbearable. Those tortured on the Death Bed also develop painful boils because their backs touch the bed for such a long time.

In March 2004, the prison posted pictures of Master Li and newspapers with contents defaming Master Li and Falun Gong on the bulletin boards and in the hallways so that everyone could see them. The prison also forced practitioners to watch video programs defaming Falun Dafa. Three prisoners were assigned to watch each practitioner, and several prison guards took turns monitoring the practitioners as well. Practitioners were forced to sit on small, backless stools and put both hands on their knees. Their eyes had to focus on the screen, and they were not allowed to close their eyes, look away, or speak. If they did, they would be beaten terribly. Every practitioner is detained separately and cannot use the toilet without permission from the prison guards. Practitioners are only allowed to use the toilet one by one and are called by number. Authorities do not call them by name in order to prevent practitioners from spreading information about each other.

Some basic information about practitioners known to be in the Dujun Cement Plant Prison follows.

Mr. Cao Jun, 27, used to be a journalist at the Liupanshui Mining Bureau. Mr. Cao was arrested for participating in the TV broadcast incident at Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Mr. Yi Siheng, 35, from Chongqing City, used to run an auto parts business in Guiyang City. Mr. Yi was sentenced to two years in jail in 2002 for distributing Falun Dafa flyers. In November 2002, he was tortured so severely by authorities that he could only lay in bed and could not get up. Mr. Yi went on hunger strike for 120 days until April 2004. Because he was forced to stay in bed for such a long time and the prison didn't allow him to clean himself, the lower part of Mr. Yi's body withered and deteriorated, and he could no longer take care of himself.

Mr. Liu Bo, 31, used to be an editor at the Guizhou TV Station. Mr. Huang Lei, 25, used to be a student at the Guizhou Institute of Technology. Huang Lei and Liu Bo were both tied to the Death Bed and not released until they had been starved for a long time and were extremely weak. After they had recovered a little, they were tied up and tortured again. These two practitioners were tortured like this many times.

Mr. Zhang Shougang, over 60, used to be a teacher at the Sports School at Zunyi City.

Mr. Wang Shougui, 34, did business in Guiyang City. Mr. Wang was sentenced to 15 years in jail for making informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong.

Mr. Tang Runchun, 28, from Chongqing City, used to be the general coordinator of Wahaha Enterprises in Guiyang.

Mr. Zheng Gang, over 30, from Dujun City, was illegally sent to a forced labor camp for three years for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999. Two months after he was released, he was once again illegally sentenced, this time for eight years, for participating in broadcasting truth-clarification programs about Falun Gong on TV.

Mr. Wang Guoyu, 27, from Liupanshui, was also detained for participating in a TV broadcast incident.

Mr. Du Guilin, over 40, used to be the loan section chief at the Guiyang Industry and Commerce Bank.

Mr. Xiao Chifei, over 50, used to volunteer as an assistant at the Zunyi Falun Dafa Assistant Center. Mr. Xiao went to Beijing to say a good word for Falun Dafa in 1999. He was sent back to Zunyi City and detained until early 2000. Then he was transferred to the Cement Plant Prison. He was illegally sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Mr. Lin Yuzhong, 24, is a university student specializing in electronics. Mr. Lin was illegally sentenced to five years in prison for downloading information from the Internet, making Falun Dafa truth-clarification VCD's and distributing them.

This limited information is all we have been able to discover through various channels. The persecution continues.

(1) Luo Gan is a close associate of Jiang Zemin and also the head of the 610 Office.