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Daughter-in-law Died as a Result of Persecution; 93-year-old Mother Died Calling Out Her Son's Name

May 26, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Kong Fanrong died from torture on May 11, 2003 in Shulan City, Jilin Province. After that, her family continued to suffer persecution such as harassment and arrests by lawless personnel. Ms. Kong's husband Bian Hongxiang was arrested twice and tortured until he was close to death. He is living away from home to avoid further persecution and is unable to return. On April 2, 2006, Huanchen policemen in Shulan unlawfully followed and arrested Bian Hongxiang's daughter, Bian Linyun. Bian Hongxiang's mother Wang Liqin, who was 93 years old, passed away while calling her son's name.

Ms. Wang Liqin was pleased to be introduced to Falun Dafa in 1997. Through exercise and cultivation, the illnesses she had suffered from for many years -- coronary disease, angina pectoris, bone proliferation, rheumatoid arthritis, gastritis, rheumatic heart disease and other ailments, were completely healed. The wonderful effect of Falun Dafa in curing illness and strengthening her health has made her immediate family and other relatives amazed and grateful.

But after July 20, 1999, because Jiang's regime and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Wang's daughter-in-law Kong Fanrong was illegally arrested by Changchun City police on January 14, 2003. On May 11, 2003, she died as a result of gross abuse by policemen in the Shulan City Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province. When Wang Liqin heard this unfortunate news, she fainted immediately and fell to the ground, injuring her head. Her whole family hurried to assist her.

After Ms. Wang regained consciousness she started to cry loudly. She could not stop calling her daughter-in-law's name and said, "Fanrong, Fanrong, how miserably you died! How innocent you were! We practitioners only want to get rid of our illnesses and to be good people. Why does the government prohibit us from practicing? Is it that they can't distinguish right from wrong?"

Wang Liqin was mentally traumatized. In addition, her son Bian Hongxiang had been arrested three times. Two out of those three arrests happened when he was away from home, and he was abused until he was close to death. When Mr. Bian was released, he was close to death. Wang Liqin was devastated.

On July 21, 2005 around 4:00 p.m., Huanchen Police Station Chief Yan Jianhua together with another policeman suddenly rushed into Bian Linyun's home and demanded, "Where is your father Bian Hongxiang?" Bian Linyun said, "I don't know. He didn't say a word when he left home." The policemen took Bian Linyun away under force.

Ms. Wang Liqin's grandson-in-law and her granddaughter had been supporting her. Ms. Wang and her grandson-in-law went to the police station to ask for her granddaughter's release almost every day, from July 22 until August 3.

Wang Liqin was extremely depressed and became ill under the long-term persecution of her family members. She died in the early morning of April 13, 2006. When she died, she was still calling her son's name.

Shulan City Police Department: 86-432-8224808
Nanshan Detention Center: 86-432-8251265
Huanchen Police Station, Chief Yan Jianhua: 86-432-8223069

May 8, 2006