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Suzanne Scholte, the President of the Defense Forum Foundation, Speaks Out Against Persecution of Falun Gong

August 04, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 19, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Europe, the United States, Asia and other areas around the world held a rally in front of Capitol Hill in the United States. They called for the disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and an end to the persecution. Several US Congress members, officials from non-governmental organizations, human rights lawyers and victims of the persecution made speeches. They urged the CCP to immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong that has persisted for eight years.

Suzanne Scholte, the President of the Defense Forum Foundation, gave the speech below.

Thank you for the opportunity to address this important rally to call for the end of the persecution of Falun Gong. It is an honor to join you and be here with Freedom House and the Friends of Falun Gong.

I come to you today as someone who has been active fighting against another atrocity by the government of China - their violent repatriation of North Korean refugees. In violation of international law, China's government has a policy to send these refugees back to North Korea knowing they will face torture, imprisonment, and even execution.

I also come to you today as a Christian who believes that every human being is precious in the eyes of God and has the God-given right of free will. When anyone is unjustly persecuted, we all suffer and we must all stand up for those who are persecuted.

The U.S. State Department reported that citizens of China who are specially targeted for arbitrary detention and arrest include Falun Gong practitioners, as well as political activists, domestic and foreign journalists, unregistered religious leaders, political prisoners and their families. Those languishing in China's prisons include Falun Gong practitioners along with trade union activists, underground religious believers, and members of the banned China Democratic Party.

I have wondered, why does China's Communist Party so violently repress Falun Gong? How can the government of China be so threatened by people who wish to practice Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance?

I believe it is because of their intent to repress the human desire to practice the first and foremost freedom: the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. When our own nation was founded, our Founding Fathers believed that "first freedom" was a God-given right, and was the most important because all freedoms are derived from it.

Because of their desire to practice this basic God-given freedom, right now Falun Gong is one of the groups that is on the front lines in the battle for human rights in China - but not by their choice. As Falun Gong founder, Li Hongzhi has stated, they are not against any government. They have no enemies. Yet, they have been drawn into the front lines because of the persecution and torture against them - a violent and ongoing persecution begun by China's Communist Party in 1999 - simply for practicing this basic freedom.

Everyone who wishes to see reform and human rights come to China needs to speak out. We need to stand with the citizens of China whether Falun Gong practitioners, democracy advocates, trade union activists, journalists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or reformers, because otherwise the persecutors in China's government will gain ground and the movement for human rights in China will be crushed.

When the Olympic Committee chose Beijing as the site of the 2008 Olympics, the Committee justified that it would promote human rights in China. However, human rights organizations instead report an increasing rise in human rights violations and it is not just the Chinese people who are suffering. The government of China's policies also affect human rights around the world - just look at the suffering they have caused North Koreans, look at the suffering they have caused for the people of Darfur, Tibet, Burma, and other nations.

With the upcoming Olympics, a symbol of goodwill among nations, it is even more urgent and critical that we show solidarity with all of those who wish to practice their God-given right to freedom of thought and conscience. As a Christian, I take comfort in knowing that God has seen every tear that has been shed, every drop of blood that has been spilt, and witnessed every atrocity that has been committed against Falun Gong. He is against all those who do evil and promises to be close to the brokenhearted and those who are crushed in spirit.

So, we stand with those in China suffering today to say that you are not suffering in vain. Do not be brokenhearted or crushed in spirit. You are remembered and we are with you.

Thank you and God bless you.