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More Than 10,000 Signatures Collected to Rescue Mr. Chung Ting-pang from Detention in Mainland China (Photos)

July 31, 2012 |   By Huang Yusheng, a Minghui correspondent from Taoyuan, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Mr. Chung Ting-pang, a Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner and businessman, was arrested on June 18, 2012 at the Ganzhou Airport in Jiangxi Province, China by officers from the Chinese National Security Bureau and 610 Office. It happened just as Mr. Chung was preparing to return to Taiwan after visiting relatives in China. One month has passed and none of his relatives or family have been allowed to get in touch with him. China's official media agency, Xinhua News has reported that Mr. Chung has been charged with “sabotaging national security,” for allegedly tapping into a cable television network in China.

Mr. Chung is detained in a country under a regime where his legal rights and personal safety are not protected by law, and Mr. Chung has not been allowed to retain a lawyer. None of his family and friends know of his condition, which makes them anxious. His daughter and other family members have called for help from international organizations. They also created a Facebook page and launched a petition campaign to collect signatures and thumb prints, with the hope that they will encourage the Taiwanese people and government to actively help rescue Mr. Chung. More than 10,000 signatures have been collected to date.

The signature display board shows people's messages of support and justice

Falun Gong practitioners in Taoyuan County, Taiwan have collected signatures in malls, railway stations, campuses, etc. Many good and righteous people have signed to show their support.

Practitioners were allowed to collect signatures in Carrefour, the most populated store in Neili City, after they told the manager the reason for their campaign. A carnival was held outside the store on July 14th. During the event,. an employee of an educational institute who attended the activity not only signed his name after learning of Mr. Chung's plight, but also invited his colleagues to sign the petition. A retired soldier signed to show his disgust of the Chinese Communist Party's uncivilized behavior. In addition, he said that he would ask his child to log onto Facebook to show his support.

Keep Up the Good Work, We Wish You Success!”

A student who once studied in the United States was angry with the numb reaction to Mr. Chung's situation by the major news media in Taiwan. He said, “Our government is too cowardly, and you Falun Gong practitioners are too mild.” He said he would ask lawmakers to speak up for Chung's family. Many people, after signing their names to show their support, said to the practitioners: “Well done! Keep up the good work and I wish you success!”

When asked, Mr. Liao, head of the local Chenggong Borough, signed his name immediately and said he knew the cruel truth of how Chinese Falun Gong practitioners have gotten their organs ripped out of them while they are still alive by officials in Communist China. Mr. Liao signed his name and expressed regret that the Taiwanese government was unable to protect its citizens.

A Concert Combined with Petition for Human Rights Well Received

The Neili Senior High School held a concert at the 1,200-seat Taoyuan County Fine Arts Museum on July 18. Human rights, like music, are a part of life. So Hong Tianli, the organizer of the concert, with the approval of the school authorities, set up desks outside the museum for collecting signatures calling for the rescue of Mr. Chung. Many students, parents and citizens stopped, including ex-principals and former leaders of parents' associations. After learning the reason for the petition, they signed their names to show their support for rescuing Mr. Chung.

Ms. Lee, Principal of Neili Senior High School, signed the petition to show her support for rescuing Mr. Chung

Call for Justice Resounds on Campus

On July 20 almost 1,000 graduates of Neili Senior High School came back to the school to attend a lecture. The principal believes strongly in education on human rights and gave her full support to hold a campaign for collecting signatures on campus. Tables and chairs were provided to facilitate the collection of signatures. Besides students, the directors of the Teaching Affairs Office, Personnel Office, Library, as well as many teachers, all signed to show their support. The serene campus resounded with calls for justice.

Citizens and students who learned the truth sign the petition to show their support for the rescue of Mr. Chung


Falun Gong Is Good, the Chinese Communist Party Is Really Bad”

Another signature collection activity was held at the Chungli Railway Station. A mother with her two children signed the petition after she understood the reason for the petition. One of her children asked if he could sign too, so his mother signed for him. A Buddhist monk advised a passerby to sign before he signed his own name: “I know Falun Gong is good. I have seen your video discs. The Chinese Communist Party is really bad.”

Signature collection in front of Chungli Railway Station

An enthusiastic citizen inquired about the details of Mr. Chung's background after signing his name, and promised to call the President's office to ask for help. He said that he would also call the lawmaker in his district and suggested that practitioners also call their local legislative members for help. Another person took some introductory material home to read, and came back the next day to suggest that it might help if practitioners asked influential lawmakers to talk about the situation with President Ma. Many students not only signed their names, but also asked their classmates to sign as well.

People from Mainland China Support Falun Dafa

A young woman from China who married a Taiwanese citizen signed her name and said that her friend in China is a practitioner, who is very nice and practices diligently. Recently, when she did not feel well, her friend suggested that she recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good,” and that she would get what she really needed. She did, and she felt better. The young woman intended to talk to more people about the truth in Mainland China so that more people could understand the real situation. A student from China who was visiting relatives in Taiwan said that he was not a citizen of Taiwan but he supported human rights.

Practitioners collecting signatures in front of Taoyuan Railway Station were also well received. A family of three came up to sign their names (one of them was the classmate of Chung Ai, Chung Ting-pang's daughter). Another student who signed his name was the classmate of Chung Ting-pang's son. They had all learned about Mr. Chung's arrest on Facebook.

Support Voiced on Facebook

Someone left the message on Chung Ai's Facebook page: “I have just learned about your Dad's sad event while at Taoyuan Railway Station. I signed my name to join the others. Although I do not know you, I will let people around me know about this matter and we will support you together. Keep doing what you are doing now and your Dad will come back safely!” Many people signed their names without invitation. Some were very concerned about human rights; one of them had learned about this matter in the morning, and hurried to find the signature collection area to sign his name in the evening after work.

A young man whose right arm is in a cast signs with his left hand.

A man stopped at the tent where signatures were being collected to learn more about the recent situation of Mr. Chung. He said that he had read information about the arrest and signed the petition. He was very concerned about this matter, and hoped that Mr. Chung could be rescued soon.

Young men taking pictures of the display board and introductory materials to promote their own signature collection campaign on Facebook


The wife and daughter of a Taiwanese businessman who works in China came over to sign the petition. The daughter goes to school in China and was back in Taiwan for summer vacation. They both knew what Falun Dafa is all about and they support Dafa.

A student from National Taiwan University, who introduced himself as Chung Ai's schoolmate, signed his name and invited his friends and other passers-by to sign. A man who signed marked his profession as businessman first, then changed it to township representative when he learned that the signatures would be sent to the President's office. He also took introductory materials to learn more about this matter.

As of July 23, 2012, practitioners in Taoyuan City have collected more than 10,000 signatures from government officers and citizens.