(Minghui.org) Chinese language Minghui Radio (mhradio.org) is now available for download and subscription on podcast applications on smart phones and computers. This service is currently only available to listeners outside of China due to the Internet firewall in China.

Mobile device users can listen to Minghui Radio via two ways. One is to use a browser and connect to mhradio.org and play the contents online. This method consumes cellular data if the user is on the go.

Listeners may also download audio files to play at a later time. You can specify that your podcast app only downloads audio files when it is on a WiFi network, for later listening, and delete the played audio files automatically. Most will resume play from the previous stopping point.

How to subscribe to Minghui Radio Podcast:

iOS Devices such as iPhone and iPad

Click here on your iOS devices. The podcast app will open, and you can tap “subscribe” to subscribe to Minghui Radio.

Android Devices

For Android devices you will need to first install a podcast app from the “Play Store.” The most popular ones are “Podcast Addict” and “Podcast Republic.” The following instructions describe subscribing to Minghui Radio using the “Podcast Addict” app:

1. Open a browser in your device and open mhradio.org home page. Click the Podcast icon on top left or you can use this link: http://mhradio.org/news_images/xml/latest.xml2. Your device will ask you to choose an App to open the link. Choose “subscribe with Podcast Addict.” Check “Always.” Touch “Add” to complete the process.3. Touch the top-left corner menu icon in “Podcast Addict” to pull down a menu list. Touch “Podcasts” to see Minghui Radio.