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The Story of a Tofu Mill Owner

March 15, 2015 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Jilin Province

(Minghui.org) I am a woman in my sixties who has only been to school for four years of my life. Today, I want to share my experiences from my sixteen years (and counting) as a Falun Gong practitioner.

Composing this article was not an easy process. But with warm encouragement and advice from other practitioners, I was able to put my thoughts into the article that you are now reading.

Troubled Life

“You're over 60. How do you still look so young and energetic?”

Many people ask me this question when they see me. And my response is always the same: Because I practice Falun Gong.

If I hadn't become a practitioner, in fact, life would have been quite different.

Both my biological parents died when I was only 5 months old; I was sent to a foster home after that.

I went to school at eight, but dropped out after four years. I believed that I owed my life to my foster parents, and gave them all my earnings after I started working at twenty.

When I got married at 25, I was given away with no dowry. Instead, my foster parents wanted me to continue to support them financially – something my husband was not happy about. He never gave me a single penny after that.

My low salary now had to support both my parents and the new family. I suffered for it, but I had no choice. I began to tell myself that this was something that I could manage, and that it would be no big deal.

At home, I made sure to treat my parents-in-law well and do all the housework like a good wife. At work, I tried to keep my work consistent regardless of how tired I was, like a good employee.

As time went on, however, the financial stress, busy housework, and fatigue at work gradually chipped away at my health. I had four miscarriages one after another, plus numerous illnesses–nerve disease, a spinal disorder, and a vascular disease. As a result, I could no longer handle heavy labor and could do only light work.

A neighbor saw my situation and suggested to me in 1998, “Falun Gong is completely free, and very effective at helping a person's health. Do you want to give it a try?”

I registered for Master Li's 9-day lectures and went to the class, which was held at an elementary school. I went in the room and rushed to the front, hoping to sit closer to Master Li so that I could hear everything.

After sitting down and looking around, however, I found that some veteran practitioners were already in the room. They stood in the back so that the newcomers could sit.

Falun Gong can teach a person to become considerate—it must be a very good practice, I thought.

That day, I memorized the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and decided to follow the path of cultivation.

Improving Xinxing

Being a Falun Gong practitioner requires me to constantly improve my xinxing, or mind nature. I have several stories to share about this.

Once after buying some meat and returning home, I found that the street vendor had given me one pound extra by mistake. I knew that as a practitioner, I had the obligation to compensate her properly.

The vendor looked unhappy as she saw me walking towards her stand – she must have thought that I had returned to haggle. But she was surprised and happy when I explained my reason for coming back.

“Why did you come back? Most people would have just taken the meat and gone,” asked a neighboring vendor.

“Well, I practice Falun Gong, and I live by my principles,” I replied.

“Falun Gong is a good practice indeed!” said the vendor.

I made a living through my tofu mill, which meant that I had to work very hard. But I knew that as a practitioner, I should put the interests of other people before myself. I made sure to use the best products and make the best tofu and soy milk that were within my ability.

Little by little, my customer base grew–all the customers enjoyed my soybean products.

Once, one customer approached me in front of some other customers.

“You are working hard every day and your husband is doing nothing. Why do you still seem so happy?” she asked.

I smiled and replied, “There are three reasons. First, I am a Falun Gong practitioner who knows what I live for. Second, I am following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and am glad to help others. Third, I do not expect much, and I'm happy with what I have now.”

Everybody shared in my smile upon hearing my words.

Determination Despite Interference

After the persecution started in July 1999, many group exercise sites' assistants were arrested. I first went to Changchun, the provincial capital, to appeal for their release. I also went to Beijing twice in 2001.

“I need to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong,” I told my son.

“I support you. You should go,” he said, “Otherwise, you will definitely regret this in the future.”

But my husband didn't think that way. He was frantic upon hearing that I had left for Beijing. Each time I came back, he looked for things to blame me for and complained a lot.

When it was time for my son to take his college entrance exams, my husband gave me an ultimatum:

“You have to pick: Falun Gong or family? If you don't pick family, we'll get divorced.”

I was not intimidated.

“I will not give up practicing Falun Gong,” I said.

We went to the local government office to file for divorce right away; however, when we got there, we found that we didn't bring the right documents with us.

I was about to leave the next day to file our divorce with the proper documents when my husband changed his mind. He never found a problem with my beliefs ever again.

During this time, the local police began to monitor me. Six or seven police officers came to my home one day, wanting to have a “talk” with me. I had not known about sending forth righteous thoughts back then, but I knew I shouldn't give in to their demands.

I asked them to come into the tofu mill with me, sat them down, and began to make my case by way of conversation.

“Falun Gong is the reason that I am as healthy as you see me now. It's also the reason why I can afford to work so hard to support my family. Falun Gong has also taught me to be an honest and kind person, which allows me to make the tofu that everyone likes, without cutting corners.”

“That's true; we do all love her tofu,” agreed one police officer.

“Well, if that's the case, we wish you well. Take care of your health,” said another officer from the city department.

They left and never came back.

Telling Others About Falun Gong

Reading Falun Dafa books was not easy for me. Because I only went to school for four years, there were many words I did not know. I often went to other practitioners for help identifying the words, and was finally able to read Zhuan Falun on my own after a while.

In July 2001, I began to produce materials which told people about the persecution of Falun Gong. Although I knew nothing about computers or printing in the beginning, nothing hindered my efforts. With help from two other practitioners, we found a place, purchased computers and printers, printed materials, and distributed them to people.

With the wisdom granted me by Dafa, a 60-year-old woman like me (who only knew how to make tofu in the past) is now able to produce truth-clarification materials for my region. I can also fix printers if need be.

In addition, I like to tell people face-to-face about Falun Gong and the brutality of the Chinese Communist Party. Most of the people I talked with agreed to quit the Party and separate themselves from the perpetrator of the persecution.

I know all these were possible because of Master and Dafa. Thank you, Master.