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Blindly Admiring Practitioners Can Be Harmful

Oct. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) There is a married couple in our area who used to practice Falun Dafa. After the persecution began in July of 1999, because of fear, they stopped cultivating.

Years later, the husband, Zhang, had a stroke. He was hospitalized for over twenty days. His life was spared, but he lost vision in both eyes. The medical treatment cost him 400,000 yuan. After he came home, he thought about Dafa and resumed practicing. Soon after that, he regained his eyesight and could walk again. Now he can also do all the fieldwork. He stated that Master granted him a second life.

His wife, Yu, had diabetes. Her toes were festering and bleeding, making it difficult to walk. She witnessed her husband’s miraculous recovery, and also resumed practicing Dafa. Two weeks later, her toes healed completely.

I was surprised to see how quickly Yu healed. I know another elderly practitioner in our local area who has symptoms of diabetes and has not recovered for many years. So I asked Yu to share her experience with that practitioner.

During the sharing, I noticed Yu developed a show-off mentality. What she said was validating herself. I looked within and discovered that I was also at fault. I believed she cultivated well and began admiring her.

Several days later, her husband came to me and told me that Yu was in big trouble. I went to see her, she was clear-headed but she could not stand up. Whenever she tried to stand up, she fell down. Her falls caused many injuries on her head and body. 

I discussed the situation with Yu. I was wrong to admire her, and she also needed to look within to eliminate the mentality of showing off. It was Master who helped her recover and gave her a second chance. We both need to be grateful for Master!

Yu realized her problem and immediately agreed to rectify herself. She got better again in no time!