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Nine-Year-Old Practitioner: Striving to Become a Genuine Disciple

Dec. 16, 2023 |   By Yuanyuan, a young Falun Dafa practitioner in the United States

(Minghui.org) I was born in the U.S. I’m 9 years old and I’ve practiced Falun Dafa with my family since I was born.

I listened to Master’s lectures before I could read. I began reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, when I was in second grade. I didn’t know many Chinese characters at that time, so I followed along as my grandmother read, sentence by sentence. I’d ask, “What does this passage mean? What is the meaning of that paragraph?” She patiently explained that she could only provide a surface understanding of the Fa and that true comprehension would come from my own efforts.

I was eventually able to read Zhuan Falun independently. Whenever I encountered unfamiliar characters, I asked my family. I could gradually read nearly all the characters in the book. I’ve read Zhuan Falun four times, as well as other Dafa books. My understanding of the Fa principles has deepened. I know Master has unlocked my wisdom. Thank you, Master!

Embracing the Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

I used to frequently argue with my older sister over trivial matters. Despite our 10-year age gap, I often complained to our mother about her. My mother scolded me, but I stubbornly continued to complain about my sister.

However, by reading the Fa, I realized my shortcomings. I no longer hold grudges against my sister when she does not play with me, and I genuinely developed a liking for her.

While riding the school bus in second grade, a younger child always took my seat. Each time, I graciously gave my seat to him. Eventually, I let him have the seat permanently. I sat elsewhere. Afterwards, he warmly greeted me whenever he saw me.

When we line up, sometimes the other students inadvertently stepped on my toes. Not only did it hurt, it also dirtied my shoes. Whenever this happened, I felt a strong desire to lose my temper. It wasn’t my fault; why were they stepping on my feet? However, when I remembered the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, my anger subsided. This happened multiple times, but I chose to endure it.

When I was in the third grade, some boys in my class talked about topics I didn’t understand. I asked my parents and realized they were discussing inappropriate things. I thought, “As a Dafa disciple, I cannot follow my classmates and listen to vulgar words.” I decided to walk away and not engage in those conversations. To my surprise, they stopped talking about these things as well.

Listening to Master’s Teachings and Promoting Traditional Culture

I learned Chinese characters by reading Zhuan Falun without any prior knowledge of the Chinese language. This summer, an aunt asked me to read classical Chinese poems and record them for an online program.

I didn’t understand Chinese poetry, so I asked my mom to help. She explained that the poetry was written by ancient Chinese literati, and conveys profound meanings in a few words. Ancient poetry is considered a precious gem in traditional Chinese culture, and Master encourages us to reconnect with this cultural heritage. Practitioners’ recitation of these poems is a good way to share them with others, and a way with which we can help promote traditional culture.

When I heard this, I eagerly agreed to record the poems. The first recording took several hours, but now I can complete one in less than an hour. I know this is Master’s blessing and encouragement.

A remarkable incident occurred while recording poems with my grandma in mid-August. I live on the third floor, and we seldom have mosquitoes or flies. That day, two small flying insects suddenly appeared, and hovered around us. My grandma said, “This seems like interference. Let’s continue recording and ignore them.” That day, we managed to record five poems without being interrupted.

I know I have many shortcomings and do not always meet the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. For instance, I sometimes play on the computer in my free time instead of studying the Fa. I also looked around when I do the exercises. I will rectify myself by following Dafa’s principles and become a genuine Dafa disciple.