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60-Year-Old Heilongjiang Woman Admitted to Notorious Prison Responsible for At Least 30 Confirmed Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners

Dec. 5, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) It was recently confirmed that Ms. Sun Xia from Ning’an City, Heilongjiang Province was admitted to the Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison after she lost her appeal against a five-year prison sentence for practicing Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Sun, around 60, was arrested on January 28, 2023 and indicted in early May 2023. She stood trial on June 14 and on an unknown date, was sentenced to five years and fined 50,000 yuan. Her appeal was rejected by the Harbin City Intermediate Court around November 2023. It is unclear when she was transferred to prison. For details of her arrest, sentencing, and past persecution, see the first three related reports listed at the end of this article.

Ms. Sun’s family is now very worried about her well-being and safety. The Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison, located in the capital city of Harbin, has been actively following the communist regime’s persecution policy over the past two-plus decades. Falun Gong practitioners jailed there are subjected to various forms of brutal torture, forced labor without pay, and intensive brainwashing aimed at forcing them to renounce their faith. Many practitioners were injured, maimed, or developed various medical conditions as a result of the torture. At least 30 practitioners have died either in prison or shortly after they were released on medical parole or to finish serving time outside prison.

Below is a list of the 30 known persecution deaths that the prison was responsible for.

1. Ms. Bi Yunping died in prison on November 2, 2002, the same day she was injected with toxic substances.

2-3. Ms. Wang Ying and Ms. Guo Meisong both died in prison in 2003 after developing lung infections caused by the unsanitary feeding tubes (both women were brutally force-fed).

4. Ms. Qu Jie died in prison in July 2004.

5. Ms. Wang Fang, a 46-year-old tailor, died on September 24, 2004, less than two months after she was released.

6. Ms. Liu Qianqian, 33, died on August 6, 2005, less than two months after she finished serving three years.

7. Ms. Du Jinglan, 55, was tortured to critical condition and taken to a hospital on October 2, 2005. She died three days later in the hospital. Her family found fresh injury marks on her face.

8. Ms. Li Haiyan, 30, was released on medical parole on September 2, 2004, and died on January 13, 2005.

9. Ms. Xiao Shufen, 66, died in prison on June 8, 2006.

10. Ms. Chen Weijun, 49, was released on medical parole on October 7, 2006, and died on June 3, 2007.

11. Ms. Ni Shuzhi, 60, died on January 19, 2008, six months after she served a five-year term.

12. Ms. Jin Chunxian, 60, died on July 31, 2007, less than one year after she was released on medical parole.

13. Ms. Zhang Yaqin, 64, died on November 26, 2010, six months after she was released on medical parole.

14. Ms. Liu Deqing, around 60, died on November 27, 2011, about nine months after she was released on medical parole.

15. Ms. Li Yaru, 49, died in 2011, shortly after she was released on medical parole.

16. Ms. Zhao Bixu, 66, died in prison on January 14, 2012.

17. Ms. Wang Xiuyue, 74, died on July 20, 2012, a few months after she was released on medical parole.

18. Ms. Lou Weiming, 58, died in December 2012, two years after being released on medical parole.

19. Ms. Yang Ruiqin, 71, died on May 24, 2016, five months after being released on parole.

20. Ms. Liu Lingling died in prison in the spring 2017.

21. Ms. Wang Caiyun, 52, died on February 24, 2018, four months after she served three years in prison.

22. Ms. Zhao Chunyan, 65, died on July 28, 2018, twelve days after she was released from prison.

23. Ms. Liu Xiuqin died on September 14, 2018, two months after she was released on medical parole.

24. Ms. Yang Lihua, 43, died in prison on November 5, 2019.

25. Ms. Wang Fang, a 54-year-old teacher, died on December 31, 2020, two months after she served a two-year term.

26. Ms. Su Yunxia, 67, died on September 4, 2021, two days before her scheduled date of release.

27. Ms. Liu Yaqin, 69, died on October 31, 2021, five months after her prison release.

28. Ms. Teng Shuli, 53, died on January 10, 2023, while serving a 7-year term.

29. Ms. Fei Shuqin, 77, died on February 16, 2023, while serving a 13-year term.

30. Ms. Mou Yongxia, 75, died on July 13, 2023, while serving a 6-year term.

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