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86-Year-Old Former Model Worker and His Wife Harassed for Practicing Falun Gong

March 1, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Tianjin, China

(Minghui.org) Since the onset of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Guo Deyou, a former model worker in Tianjin, his wife and their daughter have been repeatedly targeted. The total time they have been incarcerated adds up to 31.5 years.

Just months after their daughter Ms. Guo Chengru, 58, was released from serving a five-year term, her elderly parents were harassed again while caring for her, who had become emaciated and was in a delirious state due to torture suffered in police custody.

On October 15, 2022, only two months following Ms. Guo’s release, her father Mr. Guo, 86, and his wife Ms. Han Yuxia were arrested while visiting another local practitioner. Over ten officers ransacked their home and confiscated their Falun Gong books, computer and printer.

The police showed up at the couple’s home again on December 5 and ordered Ms. Han to go to the Hexi District Court. She went there, only to be tried for her faith. Ms. Han refused to acknowledge the persecution.

The police came again on December 14 and announced to fine the couple 1,000 yuan each, because of the Falun Gong books found at their home in October. The couple refused to pay the fine.

Two officers harassed the couple again on February 13, 2023. They said that Mr. Guo had been placed on conditional bail and that he wasn’t allowed to leave Tianjin without their permission. They also warned him not to have “illegal” items at home.

Mr. Guo questioned the police what was considered to be “illegal” items. One officer replied, “Cult.” Mr. Guo clarified that no law labels Falun Gong as a cult in China. The police accused him of not cooperating with them and threatened to report him to their supervisor.

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