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Master Turned Bad Things into Good Things

March 16, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A message popped into my mind back in July 2013, two days before I experienced sickness karma, saying, “I am here to take your life.” I immediately sent forth a thought to reject it: My life belongs to Dafa! No one can take it!

When the symptoms appeared two days later, I was in great pain, had no appetite, and couldn’t sleep. I kept denying the interference and asked Master Li for help.

My endurance had reached the limit, and I told Master in my heart, “I am not afraid to die. I am here to validate the Fa. If I die, however, it will negatively impact Dafa.” Our neighborhood already had a few practitioners who passed away. So I continued to deny the old forces’ arrangement. The pain lessened after three days, and I could tolerate it more.

I later had shingles-like symptoms, but it did not affect my doing the three things. On my way to a practitioner’s home to study the Fa, Master hinted to me, “ … because your lifetime should have long been over.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I shed tears, realizing that Master bore the brunt of the karmic debts I owed from my wrongdoings in previous lives and saved my life. The pain receded within a year, which was part of the karma that I had to bear.

In the Fall of 2018, I gave a man in his 60s a copy of “A blessing to Quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Organizations.” He took it and told me he had already quit the CCP.

A police car arrived shortly afterward and stopped in front of me. The officer got out and walked toward me. Master’s Fa appeared in my mind, “ … if your mind can be imperturbable there will be nothing you can’t handle.” (“Eliminate Your Last Attachment,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

The officer said, “Someone reported you. Open your bag and let me see what’s inside.” I didn’t open the bag and kept walking. The office grabbed me and threatened to call other officers for help. I had an attachment to saving face and didn’t want to make a scene, so I got into the police car.

I told him that our telling people about Falun Dafa and the persecution is done to offer them salvation. I explained a lot about Dafa as he drove to the police station. He went inside to fetch a sheet of paper. When he returned, he opened my door, and said the captain was waiting for me. But I got out of the car and just walked away. This time, he did not stop me, and I went out to clarify the truth to people again. Master cleared away the bad elements in other dimensions, and the officer changed his attitude.

One morning in 2022, I was hesitant about whether I should go out to clarify the truth in the afternoon. I finally decided to go. A man sat in a car parked on the roadside. I asked if he knew about quitting the CCP and its youth organizations. He said he hadn’t joined any of them. I wanted him to remember “Falun Dafa is good,” and gave him a USB stick with information about Dafa on it. He thanked me and drove away. I moved on and soon met a youngster, who told me he had joined the Young Pioneers and gave me his name. I also gave him a USB stick.

A few minutes later, a police car stopped me. As the officer got out, I sent forth a thought: I am Master Li’s disciple. I don’t want any other arrangement. Please save me, Master.

Two more officers got out of the car and dragged me into it. They told me the youngster I spoke to earlier had reported me. I was taken to the police department and was approached by six officers. They searched my bag and removed Dafa pamphlets and booklets from it, along with a list of people who quit the CCP. They asked my name and other questions, but I refused to answer. One of the officers inserted the USB stick into a computer and found software to bypass the Internet blockade and tried it. I heard him telling another officer he was surprised that it worked.

I began to recite Hong Yin as soon as I entered the police department. I got rid of all interfering thoughts, let go of life and death, and left everything to Master. They tried to record a statement from me, but I just recited the Fa and refused to cooperate. 

I was later taken to my home, and they seized all my Dafa books, pictures of Master, video recordings of Fa lectures, a computer, printer, paper cutter, and blank USB sticks. The captain told me they would deal with me later. I moved the rest of the stuff to a different place afterward. 

With Dafa’s support, I was calm and held no resentment against the police during the whole process. I left everything to Master.

The old force elements were able to persecute me because of my loopholes. I examined all the things that had occurred before the incident, and remembered that I had stopped giving truth clarification materials to a fellow practitioner a week before being arrested. I had been supplying materials to her, and she had done well in going out to clarify the truth to people. But she had been affected by external messages due to a weak main consciousness, so I stopped giving her materials. She improved a few months later, and I resumed supplying her with materials. But my son, who also cultivates, objected and told me that the practitioner’s situation was still not suitable for her to be able to distribute materials, and we needed to think of security for our materials production site. So I decided to stop giving her materials.

Another issue was that another practitioner lost her copy of Master’s Fa lectures from different places and asked me to give her new ones. I refused and blamed her in my mind for losing them. I knew it was not correct to blame these practitioners, and the old forces used my loopholes to have me arrested.

Master kept putting the Fa into my mind, however, and I was eventually able to get out of this tribulation. Master had turned bad things into good things.

Master gave me hints that I should write an article about these experiences, but I find writing very difficult. My acquired notions hindered me. My mind was unsettled, and I could not continue writing and wanted to give up. After many stops and starts, I finally finished. I realized that writing articles is also a cultivation process, where one can rid oneself of all sorts of attachments.

Thank you, Master, for choosing me and leading me into Dafa cultivation! 

Master has cleansed my body, watched over me, enlightened me, and settled the karmic debts that I owed from previous lifetimes. He brought me home, guided me as a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, and let me cultivate, mature, and elevate in Dafa.

I will continue to do the three things well and fulfill my mission as a Dafa disciple in the limited time left.