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Having Unconditional Faith in the Fa

March 3, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

(Minghui.org) Before joining group Fa study one day, I encountered some issues that concerned me so much that I could not focus when I was reading the Fa. I was very disappointed in myself. However, Dafa’s teaching helped me gain new enlightenment, and the irritating thoughts that bothered me all vanished.

We read Master’s teachings about Chinese medicine that day, “They all had supernatural capabilities that were documented in medical texts. Yet now these excellent things are often criticized” (Lecture SevenZhuan Falun), and these two sentences suddenly stood out to me. I felt that this principle covered almost every aspect of my cultivation including the issue of faith. 

I used to believe that my faith in Master Li and Dafa was genuine. However, whenever I read the Fa in the past, I couldn’t help but mix human notions in my understanding. It seemed that I was reading the Fa, but my understanding of the Fa was limited by my willingness to accept the Fa. I was finding excuses to not assimilate to the Fa without reservation. 

This resembles modern-day Chinese medicine doctors. They seem to be using the same prescriptions as their counterparts in ancient times, but they dismiss the essence of Chinese medicine that Master referred to, which can’t be seen by our naked eye or explained by modern science.

After I came to this enlightenment, a sense of indescribable joy grew in my heart. I became cognizant of the path to return to my true and original self, and not surprisingly, the thoughts that had troubled me were there no more. 

Then we read, “After the celestial eye is open, one can see from one side, simultaneously, four sides of a human body. One can see the rear, the left, and the right from the front. One can see one layer after another or see beyond this dimension the fundamental cause of an illness.” (Lecture SevenZhuan Falun)

This part of the Fa helped me realize that I had only laid eyes on the superficial side of matters in my cultivation. But if I had seen the quintessence of this great cultivation field in the secular world, the various abilities that Master has bestowed us, the existence of the old forces, the evils’ manipulating of people, as well as the actual causes and effects behind everything, would I still have been troubled by the trivial happenings? I ought to do what a Dafa disciple should do with full righteous thoughts!

When I read the Fa, my heart suddenly became clearer. It is indeed good to study the Fa!

Thank you, compassionate and venerable Master!

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)