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Power of Righteous Thoughts Helps Me Through a Tribulation

June 1, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan province, China

(Minghui.org) One day in 2019, there was a loud ringing in my right ear. It came and went for two weeks before it became continuous. Shortly after, the other ear started ringing too.

I became fearful and my heart raced. I have not done anything bad, why is this happening? I did not think this was an illness symptom as I knew Master had cleansed my body after 26 years of cultivation. Master had pointed out to me through earlier tribulations, that my karmic self was already gone.

A few days later, there was a dull pain in my heart which became a stabbing pain. I felt discomfort in my right side where my liver is. Sleeping on my right side was impossible. I had hepatitis B in my youth, and a worrying thought flashed through my mind, but I quickly denied it. I knew the pain was an illusion to test my xinxing and faith in Master and the Fa.

I went out every day with other practitioners to tell people about Falun Dafa and urge them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations they joined. I probably looked frail because of the pain, and the other practitioners asked about my health. I did not want to burden them with my trouble, so I kept what was going on to myself. I used all my spare time to study the Fa and search within.

Reciting Master’s teaching strengthened my belief in the Fa and eased the achy feeling.

“Practitioners will not feel physically comfortable in their future cultivation, as their bodies will develop many kinds of gong, all of which are very powerful things moving around inside their bodies; they will make you feel uncomfortable one way or another.” (Lecture Six, Zhuan Falun)

A few more days passed, my heart seemed to expand. It felt like my stomach lifted and pushed air out of my throat.

As I searched within myself, I found many attachments. I had pretty deep hatred towards my husband and even the air I burped out contained complaint. There was also jealousy, competitiveness, a show off mentality, and being unable to tolerate other people’s opinions. I also needed to cultivate my speech. I tended to talk about other people behind their backs and make conclusions about them. I looked down on others. When I worked with other practitioners, I believed my way was the best. I even imposed my opinion on other practitioners, which is a CCP mentality. 

I felt bad about the way I treated others and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the attachments that caused me to act that way. At the same time, I asked Master for help. My symptoms did not completely go away. They dragged on for more than a month.

One day, I was reading The Placement of the Mysterious Pass in Lecture Four of Zhuan Falun when I suddenly realized the discomfort I was experiencing was caused by the mysterious pass ascending to my tanzhong point! It is a great thing! Before when elements that made up my flesh body were transformed into higher energy, or when the mysterious pass moved inside my body, I also felt discomfort. I must elevate my xinxing so that my gong can move up!

Just like that, in less than three days, all of the pain went away. My body felt refreshed and full of energy. The sensation of light-heartedness is indescribable. I am grateful for everything compassionate Master has done for me.