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Discarding Human Notions Amid Cultivation

July 20, 2023 |   By Lingzhi, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I finally realized something after studying the Fa: “Enlightenment comes from having faith!”

Firmly believing in Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) and his teachings, basing my thoughts on the Fa principles, and doing everything according to what Master says are signs of good enlightenment. I will know what to do once my understanding of the Fa is clear.

Last year, I had a runny nose on the 10th day of the Chinese New Year. It was non-stop, and my nose turned red from blowing it; I used lots of tissues in the process. 

My daughter called and when she heard my voice she said, “Mom, your voice sounds nasally. Do you have a cold? You should take some medication.” I replied, “It’s not a cold. I’m going through karma elimination. I had acute sinusitis in junior high, and it turned into chronic sinusitis due to poor medical treatment. I’ll be fine in a few days.” She sounded relieved after hearing my explanation.

I came to my senses after putting the phone down. I had forgotten I’m a practitioner, and first thought it was an illness. Cultivators don’t have illnesses, as they are illusions. Where did this unrighteous thought come from? Oh! It’s an acquired human notion. I was then limited to ordinary people’s principles and the concept of modern medicine. This thought was not my true self; I should negate and remove it.

I sat down to send forth righteous thoughts and even said to my nose, “You are part of my body, and I’m on the path to divinity. My body is being transformed into a divine body, and every cell, organ, and you are on a mission. You will all assimilate to Dafa’s qualities of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. You shall also elevate in cultivation. Every cell in my body contains the high-energy matter of gong.”

I used my mind intent to mobilize the positive energy within the cells of my nose to eliminate the karma and bacteria. An amazing thing happened after I sent forth these righteous thoughts for thirty minutes―my nose was unblocked, and it stop running.

Master Endured My Karma

I had pain in the metacarpal joint of my right middle finger. The joint became swollen, and I couldn’t bend the finger. I awoke in pain in the middle of the night. I searched inward and found the reason.

I worked as a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at a local hospital, and abortion was the most common procedure in our department. Sometimes, we handled more than a dozen abortions in a day. From the perspective of cultivation, abortion is killing, and it creates karma. These poor little lives are killed before they’re born.

My heart ached, and I cried thinking about it. I forgot about my pain and felt sad for the souls that perished. So I sat up in the full lotus position and sent forth righteous thoughts. I communicated with those innocent lives and sought benevolent resolutions for them based on my understanding of the Fa.

Their misfortune was the result of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) one-child policy. I saw the pain and suffering that extreme policy brought to people. I let go of my attachment to the pain in my finger and continued to do the three things. I don't know what happened, but the pain and swelling eventually disappeared, and I was able to bend my finger. Master endured and removed my karma.

Memorizing the Fa

I started to memorize Zhuan Falun last year, and it took me nearly a year to do it. I memorized the book for the second time this year, and it took me three months to finish. I then noticed that my righteous thoughts were stronger, my body felt lighter, and the effectiveness of my telling people the facts about Dafa and the persecution improved. Upon encountering conflicts and difficulties, I’m also able to recall the Fa and walk my cultivation path in a righteous and steady manner.

After 26 years of cultivation, I’ve come to understand the importance of studying the Fa and cultivating well. This will guarantee that we accomplish our mission of awakening people and fulfilling our vows.

I’d like to study the Fa more often and with my heart, cultivate well, leap out of human notions, and awaken more people. Thank you, Master for your compassionate deliverance and protection!