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Additional Persecution News from China – July 4, 2023 (8 Reports)

July 27, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 7 cities or counties in 5 provinces, where at least 17 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Case Against Ms. Qin Xiujuan Brought to Court
2. [Beijing] Mr. Pang You Tried
3. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Hongjun Displaced
4. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Held in Prison
5. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liang Cuixia Harassed
6. [Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Li Xueya and Her Husband Mr. Zhao Xiaoning Forced to Leave Home
7. [Chongqing] Mr. Zhang Lijiang Missing
8. [Chongqing] Zhang Xiaolin and Zhang Fan Harassed

1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Case Against Ms. Qin Xiujuan Brought to Court

The case against Ms. Qin Xiujuan was brought to the Hanyang District Court after the Sanjintan Police Station in Wuhan City filed it with the procuratorate. Ms. Qin is from Tangshan City, Hebei Province. She was babysitting her grandson in Wuhan City. She was arrested on February 3, 2023, and the police ransacked her son’s home. She was taken to the Wuhan City No. 1 Detention Center.

Ms. Qin’s lawyer recently informed her family that Ms. Qin would be tried in the Hanyang District Court around July 20.

2. [Beijing] Mr. Pang You Tried

Mr. Pang You was tried via video link at the Changping Public Security Hospital on July 3, 2023, but his lawyer was unable to attend the trial.

3. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Hongjun Displaced

Mr. Liu Hongjun, 66, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2017. He was released on March 14, 2020. On March 17, 2023, the Shandong Province Higher Procuratorate protested the case. On April 18, the Shandong Province Higher Court issued a retrial decision and assigned the trial to the Weifang City Intermediate Court. On June 15, the protest document and the retrial decision were delivered to Mr. Liu’s home.

Mr. Liu left home to avoid arrest.

4. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Held in Prison

Ms. Jiang Yongjin was sentenced to one year and six months in prison and was taken to Liaoning Province Women’s Prison on June 27, 2023. Ms. Song Wenli was sentenced to two years in prison and was taken to the Dalian City Prison on June 27. Mr. Jia Jingwen was taken to the No. 9 Ward of Shenyang City No. 1 Prison around March 2023.

On May 27, 2023, Ms. Fan Lingxiu was taken to Dalian City Prison. She was arrested on September 20, 2022, and sentenced to two years in prison.

On June 25, 2023, the case files of four practitioners, Yu Jing, Wang Yinghua, Wang Jingzhong, and Dai Xiuhua, were returned by the Linghai Procuratorate to the public security organizations for additional investigation.

5. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liang Cuixia Harassed

The Chengguan Police Station in Luannan County called Ms. Liang Cuixia’s husband and daughter in June 2022. The police asked for Ms. Liang’s phone number and asked whether she still practiced Falun Gong. They threatened her husband and said they would search their home.

6. [Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Li Xueya and Her Husband Mr. Zhao Xiaoning Forced to Leave Home

Zhao from Qianxian County Domestic Security Division and four other officers broke into the store run by Ms. Li Xueya’s son on the afternoon of August 17, 2022. They took Ms. Li’s cell phone and handbag without showing any documents. They went to Ms. Li's home and took a printer, a laptop, a cell phone, and Falun Gong books.

At 8 a.m. on August 18, the officers coerced Ms. Li’s son to unlock the door of his parents’ home in their hometown of Maling Village, Liquan County, and ransacked it. The officers confiscated computers, photos of the founder of Falun Gong, and Falun Gong books. They combed through the place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Before they left, they ordered the village accountant and the couple’s family member to sign paperwork.

The couple left home to avoid arrest.

7. [Chongqing] Mr. Zhang Lijiang Missing

Mr. Zhang Lijiang, in his 50s, from the Bishan District has been missing for six days. It was reported that around 9 a.m. on June 28, 2023, someone kept knocking on the door of his rented home in Chongqing. His friends and family haven't seen him since then.

8. [Chongqing] Zhang Xiaolin and Zhang Fan Harassed

Officer Cao and another officer from the Tongyuanju Police Station photographed practitioners Zhang Xiaolin and Zhang Fan in Bajiaowan Community, Nan’an District, on the morning of June 27, 2023.