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Our Family Material Production Site Has Operated for Over 20 Years

Aug. 31, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. My husband and son also began to practice before the persecution began on July 20, 1999.

Our family materials production site has been operating for over 20 years. We diligently read the Fa, do the exercises, and send righteous thoughts. We remind each other to rectify our thoughts, and walk on the path of cultivation arranged by Master.

Producing Falun Dafa Materials Is also a Process of Cultivating Ourselves

We established our family-run materials production site in June 2001. We started from scratch and gradually improved. We learned to produce all types of truth-clarification materials and Dafa books. Our goal has been to produce pertinent materials that are high quality.

In order to have them achieve the best effect in saving people, we always maintain righteous thoughts as we produce the materials. We maintain this thought: Let every item we produce suppress the bad things and save as many people as possible.

Initially, I easily became impatient when I had a large workload. To meet the demand, I ran multiple machines simultaneously. However, this led to quality problems because I could not watch all the machines. That created a dilemma: If I used the materials of poor quality, the effect of their saving people would not be good; if I didn’t use them, it would be a waste of Dafa's resources. I decided to compensate for any waste with my own money; otherwise, I would feel guilty. I reminded myself to remember this lesson.

When I let go of my impatience, the things I produced were much better, and the quality of the materials improved.

We listen to the audio versions of the Fa, Dafa music, or broadcasts of Minghui Weekly when we produce materials. We also listen to Dafa music or broadcasts of Minghui Weekly, fellow practitioners’ sharing articles, and so on.

Practitioners sometimes need a lot of materials, which might take seven to eight hours to produce. At times, I felt tired and wanted to take a break, but I couldn’t because time was tight. When this happened I recited the Fa. The poem I recited most often was, “Tempering One’s Heart and Will,” (Hong Yin) It always reminds me that practitioners are different from regular people. The Fa is the treasure, and it can open a practitioner’s wisdom, or activate our supernormal abilities. Reciting the Fa always encouraged me.

There were times when practitioners came from different cities without notice and urgently asked for certain materials. Some practitioners asked for older materials that I already removed from my computer. However, I always tried my best to satisfy them. Oftentimes, I stayed up all night to deliver the materials in time.

When this happened frequently, I sometimes thought: Why didn’t they notify me in advance? Why did they just show up and request the materials? Why don’t they consider us, who are making the materials? When these thoughts appeared, I immediately caught them and understood that they were wrong. I wanted other practitioners to be considerate of me. So why wasn’t I considerate of them? It was also not easy for them. They had to take a bus or travel long distances to get these materials, and they had to stay overnight. Didn’t they also do this to save people?

After I realized this, my heart became bright, I relaxed, and my xinxing improved.

From then on, no matter how or when practitioners requested materials, I always unconditionally made high quality materials and delivered them on time.

A Race Against Time

Time is very precious. To make the best use of our time, we must believe in Master and the Fa, walk the path arranged by Master, and we must have perseverance and tenacity.

Master published, “Wake Up”in 2021.I enlightened that this was to inspire us to save more people and cultivate ourselves well. Master has prolonged the time for Fa-rectification, so we should cherish time even more.

Some regular people say, “Time is money.” To practitioners, more time means more solid cultivation. For me, more time means producing more materials and saving more people.

My father-in-law passed away last year, and we had to make funeral arrangements in my husband’s hometown every day, which was about a one hour away drive by car.

Funeral arrangements are usually made by the oldest son. Although my husband is the oldest son, he did not host the ceremony to avoid the kneeling worship and maintaining the spirit tablet. His younger brother hosted the ceremony. The funeral arrangements took two weeks. My husband stayed in his hometown to help out. My son and I drove back and forth every day because we produced materials at night.

My son drove, and I slept. When we returned home, my son slept, and I printed materials. The time was tight, and we had to make a large number of materials. I worked the entire night–until daybreak, then I took a nap during the drive back the next morning.

I was in charge of printing, my daughter-in-law sorted, and my son bound the materials. We ran the materials site this way for those two weeks. We were highly efficient because we are Dafa disciples, we could do that because Master guides us.

Properly Managing and Using Dafa Resources

My son is in charge of the technical aspects of running our materials site. He knows computers well. This was probably arranged by Master. My son refused employment opportunities with high pay, in order to work at our material production site. At the same time as he does the Dafa work, my son also runs his own online business.

Because the need for Dafa materials has increased, I applied for early retirement in order to have time to produce the needed truth-clarification materials.

We planned to buy more equipment after discussing it with the other practitioners. Local practitioners donated some money. We researched our needs online and made a lot of comparisons. This allowed us to purchase all the equipment and supplies at factory or wholesale prices.

More than 10 years ago, the Minghui website suggested that truth-clarification materials production sites spread, “like flowers blossoming everywhere.” With our help, a few other “flowers” also “blossomed” in our area, which relieved our burden.

Some smaller production sites stopped for various reasons. They sent their equipment and unused supplies to us. In order not to waste them, we used those that could be used, or uninstalled the good parts from the broken equipment, and used them or sold them.

During the past more than 20 years, we do the exercises, read or recite the Fa every morning, and send righteous thoughts at the four set times every day. Solid cultivation guarantees that we hardly ever make mistakes or waste materials. Our equipment usually lasts twice that of the factory settings.

We always replace the broken parts, instead of buying new machines. If a machine was not usable anymore, we sell its usable parts online. In doing so, we saved more than 3,000 yuan this year.

We issued a receipt for every donation made to us. We also made sure that no extra donations are allowed, we just collect donations based on need. We also donated funds ourselves for urgent needs, and we kept donating until the donations from others met the need.

We also had many shortcomings and regrets in our cultivation. We will rectify ourselves as we continue to cultivate, and run the materials site more maturely and soundly.

I thank Master for His compassion!