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Seattle, Washington: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in Marina Beach Park

Aug. 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Seattle

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners in Seattle, Washington State, held group exercises and truth clarification activities in Marina Beach Park, Edmonds, on July 22, 2023. Tourists and local residents were informed about Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. Many people condemned the CCP and have decided to support Falun Gong.

Group exercise in Marina Beach Park.   

Park visitors were pleased to receive Falun Gong informational fliers.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are appalled by the CCP’s crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Local resident Nova was touched when hearing that practitioners in China risked their lives to clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. She would like to find out more information and help spread the news.

Christopher, a tourist, said he would like to learn the Falun Gong exercises. He was glad when told that he could learn the exercises online for free. Several other people showed great interest in learning Falun Gong. Practitioners shared information about how to find group exercise sites close to their homes. and how to learn the exercises online.

A woman wanted to make a donation after hearing about the persecution. A practitioner told her that they were volunteers and didn’t take any donations. The woman and her husband were touched by the practitioners’ unselfish behavior.