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The Pandemic Highlights the Urgency of Saving People

Sept. 16, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I went out to clarify the truth in 2022 when it seemed most people around me contracted COVID. The hospitals were overwhelmed with patients and turned people away. There were long lines of hearses at the crematories, and many workplaces were closed. I was afraid the large-scale process of weeding out of sentient beings was about to begin, so I stepped up my efforts to clarify the truth.

A Senior CCP Member Quits the Party

I noticed an old man sitting by the road, so I greeted him, “Enjoying some sunlight and fresh air?” He said, “Yes. The lock-down has gone on for over a month. I feel suffocated.”

I said, “I’ll tell you a secret. Recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ often, you will be safe and healthy. If you’re healthy, your children will be happy.” He said, “Really? I want to give it a try.”

I said, “You will be spared from the pandemic if you recite these words often. Tell your whole family about it.” He asked, “Does it really work?” I said, “There’s always a way to overcome disaster no matter how catastrophic it seems. One has to believe.” He said, “You’re right.”

I asked, “Are you a CCP (Chinese Communist Party) member?” He said, “Yes, I work for the municipal Party committee.” I said, “The CCP promotes atheism. Please reject it, and gods and Buddhas will protect you. You will be safe and healthy and be spared from disasters. Let me give you a pseudonym so you can use it to quit the CCP.” He said quickly, “Okay, I’ll quit.”

I explained why he needed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, “You raised your fist and swore to entrust your life to it; you made a blood oath. The victims of the CCP’s previous campaigns were China’s elites: They targeted intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution and college students during the Tiananmen Massacre. Now Falun Dafa has been persecuted for over 20 years.

“The CCP has gone to extremes to do evil, and Heaven will punish it. That’s why you must withdraw from it or else be buried with it when it collapses.”

The man said, “You’re right. The CCP is very bad. We all know it.” He choked up as he spoke, with a bitter expression on his face.

I asked, “Have you been persecuted by the CCP?” He said, “I haven’t,” he trembled and said, “But working for it is too much ... I was scared and on edge all day. Every day there was something.” He bit his lip and shook his head as tears streamed down his face. He said, “Life is so hard under the CCP.”

I took out a USB flash drive which contained truth-clarification information and gave it to him, “Here’s a USB flash drive. Please watch it and you will understand how evil the CCP is.” He said, “I will. I feel relieved after quitting the CCP today.”

I said, “Heaven is about to destroy the CCP. You will witness its ending.” He said, “Alas. I’m 85. It doesn’t matter if I can’t make it, I’ll be happy as long as it is destroyed.” I said, “As long as you often recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ you will make it.”

Students are No Longer Frightened

The CCP locked down cities and residential communities during the pandemic. I passed by an art school a month after the lockdown was lifted. A long line of students was waiting to be released. It took a while for each student to pass the gate.

Seeing a student with a suitcase standing in the distance, I approached him and asked, “Is the school off?” He said, “They don’t allow us to say off; we must say time off.” I asked, “Are the students allowed to leave?” He said, “Yes, all of us.” I asked, “You have been under lockdown for more than a month, were you afraid?” He said, “We were terrified.”

I quickly said, “Don’t be afraid. If you often recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ you will be safe.”

As soon as I said this, he turned to someone and shouted, “Come over here! Falun Dafa!” A tall boy hurried over. I told the tall boy what I had just said. He immediately raised his hands and shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! The CCP is really bad.” I asked, “Have you two joined the Communist Youth League?” They said they had only worn the red scarves.

I said, “The CCP promotes atheism. Think in your heart that you reject it and that you acknowledge the existence of higher powers. Gods and Buddhas will protect you. At the same time, often recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ you will be a better person every day, and Dafa will give you wisdom.

“I will give you pseudonyms ‘You Xiu (Excellent)’ and ‘Jin Sheng (Promotion).’ The two combined means that you will be excellent in studying and will enter your dream colleges.” They said happily, “Good. Good.” I took out a USB flash drive and told the first student, “Watch what’s in it and you will understand everything. Share it with him when you’re done.”

The tall boy’s family came to pick him up. While he ran towards them, he shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good! I will tell everyone.” The student with the USB drive said, “I will share it with him when I’m done watching it. I will share it with my family.”

I felt bad that I only had one USB, because the CCP’s lockdown made it difficult to get supplies to make truth-clarification materials. I also regretted that I had little time to explain Dafa and the persecution to them thoroughly. But I was relieved that they did hear, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and they were no longer afraid of the pandemic.

They sincerely shouted “Falun Dafa is good!” in front of so many people and wanted to share it with others. They already positioned themselves well. I am happy for them.

“Falun Dafa Is Amazing!”

Last December, I saw many vehicles decorated with black flowers passing by, transporting dead bodies. I saw people burning paper money for the dead along the streets, by the community gates, and under balconies. Inside my apartment, I heard the neighbors upstairs, downstairs, left and right coughing. The atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

So many people still hadn’t heard the truth about the CCP’s persecution. I was anxious so I stepped up my efforts and clarified the truth every day.

One day, I ran into a woman. I said, “Can I tell you something? Often recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, you will be spared from the pandemic and be safe.”

She immediately put her hand up and said, “Don’t come any closer. I’ve been COVID-positive for more than ten days. I don’t want you to get it.” She began walking away. I followed her and said, “Don’t be afraid. I want to tell you some special words that will help you avoid the virus. You will recover soon.” She refused to listen and kept walking.

But most people listened to me. They were hunched over, coughing and looked miserable. After I clarified the truth to them, they said “Okay.” When I asked them to quit the CCP, they immediately agreed.

One day, I ran into two people sitting in the sun. I said, “Can I please tell you something? Reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ you will be safe and will be spared from the pandemic.” They said, “Just by saying these words, you will be spared from the pandemic?”

As I explained, one of them interrupted me, “Did you test positive?” I said, “No.” He asked again, “Really?” I replied, “Really.” He immediately put up his thumb and shouted, “You are amazing, Falun Dafa is amazing!” They told me they already quit the CCP.

I waved goodbye and kept going. As I was talking with a lady, they called me, “Falun Dafa, come here!” After I clarified the truth to the lady and helped her quit the CCP, I walked back to them. There was a third person standing next to them.

They pointed to him and said, “Please help him quit the CCP. He is a Party secretary.” I clarified the truth to him, but he said he was not a Party secretary or a CCP member, and he never wore a red scarf. I thought the two men might be joking around so I told the man the nine words and was about to leave.

A fourth person came up at this time and said, “We have to help this man quit the CCP.” I believed that he was indeed a CCP secretary. I clarified the truth to him thoroughly even though he disputed what I said. I addressed his points one by one.

He finally understood the truth and said, “I’ll quit. But if I stop paying the membership dues for six months, wouldn’t I have automatically quit?” I said, “That wouldn’t count. You must say you quit, so Gods can protect you, and you can be spared from the plague and be safe.” He said happily, “I’ll quit!” I was happy for him.

One day, I greeted a woman, “Can I tell you something?” She said immediately, “You are a Falun Dafa practitioner.” I said yes. She said, “Help me understand something. Practitioners said we would be safe, but now everyone tested positive and two people in our community died. Why is this?”

I said, “We have been clarifying the truth and asking people to quit the CCP for a long time, but how many people have listened and believed us? How many people have quit the CCP?”

I explained to her thoroughly why for so many years we have persisted in telling people about the persecution and why we ask people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations—because it can spare them from disasters.

I explained that people have to choose which side they are on. She asked a few more questions, and I answered them one by one. She understood and happily quit the CCP. She repeatedly thanked me and after walking away, she turned around and called out, “Thank you!”

As soon as Master published the new article “How Humankind Came To Be,” I distributed it when I clarified the truth. Most people said they would read it, and some were eager to receive it.

One day, I clarified the truth to a man and helped him quit the CCP. I said, “The founder of Falun Dafa recently published, ‘How Humankind Came To Be’ and told us why human beings are here. Do you want to read it?” He said eagerly, “Yes.” When I handed him a copy of the article, he eagerly took it and put it in his pocket.

It seems that people’s knowing side has been waiting for this.

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