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Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia: Hundreds of Falun Gong Harassed in Two Months

Sept. 5, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Inner Mongolia, China

(Minghui.org) Over 100 Falun Gong practitioners in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia were harassed for their faith in July and August 2023.

The targeted practitioners are from different regions under the administration of Chifeng, including Hongshan District, Songshan District, Yuanbaoshan District, Ningcheng County, Ongniud Banner, and Bairin Left Banner.

According to an insider, the harassment was directly ordered by the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC), an extra-judiciary agency tasked with overseeing the persecution. The 610 Office, police force at various levels from cities to townships, as well as street committees of various levels, were also involved in orchestrating and carrying out the persecution.

In the Hongshan District and the Songshan District, the police called the practitioners and attempted to pressure them to give up practicing Falun Gong. Some community workers photographed them, claiming that they needed the photos to report to their supervisors. Others deceived the practitioners into opening their doors by claiming to be checking their homes’ electric circuits. As soon as they entered, the officers searched every room and questioned the practitioners whether they still practiced Falun Gong.

In Ongniud Banner, practitioner Chen’s (first name unknown) mother passed away on August 10. He entrusted a relative to help apply for his mother’s death certificate at the local police station. The police refused to issue the certificate. Instead they demanded Chen come himself and sign a statement to renounce Falun Gong first. The relative tried to persuade the police not to participate in the persecution, as the funeral of Chen’s mother was coming up soon. In the end, the police agreed to let the relative sign the statement on Chen’s behalf, but they also ordered Chen to report to the police station after he handled his mother’s funeral.

The “Zero-out” Campaign in 2020

In recent years, the authorities in Chifeng have closely followed the Chinese Communist Party’s directive in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

During the nationwide “Zero-out” campaign aimed to target every practitioner on the CCP’s blacklist in 2020, Wang Bing, the then secretary of Yuanbaoshan District PLAC, and Wang Yong, the then district director, operated a brainwashing session in a basement. They hired guards Liu Gang and Kang Jianwei from Inner Mongolia Women’s Prison, both of whom have actively taken part in the persecution, as well as several former practitioners, to work on the practitioners. Under pressure, several practitioners were forced to sign statements to renounce Falun Gong against their will and some are still traumatized by the terrifying experience in that basement.

On January 12, 2021, Wang Bing hosted a meeting summarizing their “achievement” in the “Zero-out” campaign. She said that their work was, “Fully recognized by the Chifeng City PLAC and the Yuanbaoshan District Committee.”

Also present at the meeting were Lin Shuquan, Liu Yuzhu, and Li Congfang, deputy secretaries of the Yuanbaoshan District PLAC, as well as Wang Fengbo, another official of the Yuanbaoshan District PLAC .

Not long after the meeting, Wang Bing and Wang Yong were promoted. They now work in the Balin Left Banner and Tongliao City, respectively, but their specific positions are not clear.