(Minghui.org) I bought a coal stove last winter. Mr. Hua, the shop owner, delivered the stove to my house.

My husband asked him if he had heard about the “quit the Party to ensure one's safety” movement. He had not, but said that he had joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the age of 19, while in the army.

Then, my husband talked to him about Falun Gong, the persecution and why it was important to quit the party. Mr. Hua understood the ramifications of being a party member when the Party was no longer in power, and agreed to quit. My husband also told him about the importance of reciting “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in times of danger.

A few days later, I went to Mr. Hua's shop for another purchase. He told me that he'd had an amazing experience and proceeded to tell me what happened.

Benefiting from Practitioner's Advice

Mr. Hua said, “When I returned to my shop, the sewing store which shares a wall with my shop was on fire. I was stunned to see the flames getting closer to my shop, and was certain that all was lost.

“Then, I recalled that I should recite 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' at critical times. As soon as I started to say those words, the flames stopped and did not touch my shop.

"By the time the firefighters extinguished the fire, everything in the sewing store had burned to a cinder, including all the machines. But my shop remained intact! That's when I truly understood the meaning of the sentence 'Quit the Party to ensure one's safety.'

"I told my next-door shop owner what your husband had told me. He asks for Falun Dafa materials whenever he sees me, and said that he recites 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' every day.”